UNICEF, WHO, World Bank,
Report on child malnutrition estimates for the indicators stunting, wasting, overweight and underweight describe the magnitude and patterns of under- and overnutrition. UNICEF-WHO-WB Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates inter-agency group updates regularly the global and regional estimates in prevalence and numbers for each indicator. In 2020, globally, 149.2 million children under the age of 5 years of age were stunted, 45.4 million wasted, and 38.9 million overweight. The number of children with stunting is declining in all regions except Africa. More than half of all children affected by wasting live in Southern Asia and Asia as a whole is home to more than three-quarters of all children suffering from severe wasting. In terms of the targets, at country level, the greatest progress is being made towards the stunting target, with nearly two-thirds of countries seeing at least some progress. In contrast, for overweight, about half of all countries have experienced no progress or are worsening.
- Health
- Nutrition
- Other Crises
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla (UK)
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Asia
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Caribbean
- Central Africa
- Chad
- Croatia
- Denmark
- East Africa
- Ecuador
- Europe
- Fiji
- Finland
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Horn of Africa
- Iceland
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Latin America
- Malawi
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- North Africa
- North America
- Oceania
- South America
- South Asia
- Southern Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- West Africa
- West Asia
- High-Income Countries (HICs)
- Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
- Children (boys and/or girls 1-10 years old)
- Children <5 years old
- Research
- Report