Oxford Policy Management
Bischer, J., Asheber, T., Hobson, M.
Report on the Government of Ethiopia’s social protection response to mitigate some of the negative impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations. It also analyses the factors that enabled and constrained the effectiveness of the response, at the policy and operational levels, and finds that a more extensive and timely response was undermined by a lack of financing and a social protection system that was designed to respond to droughts but was unprepared to respond to a novel type of shock such as COVID-19. Finally, the report provides an assessment of the response in terms of coverage, adequacy, comprehensiveness, timeliness and gender and social inclusion considerations.
- Climate Shocks
- COVID-19 Pandemic
- Economic
- Social Support and Protection
- Africa
- East Africa
- Ethiopia
- Horn of Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
- Community/ies
- Policy
- Research
- Report